SFU English 380: Mutilation and Foreign Relations in the Japanese Novel

A class blog for students of English 380 - "Literature in Translation" - at Simon Fraser University in Autumn 2005.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Group Project Workshop

In our second hour this coming Tuesday we will move to the Assignment Lab in the W.A.C. Bennett Library, room 2105, for a workshop on your Group Project and on related library research methods. I will be available to answer questions, give advice on blogging, and examine and critique your progress to date.

Here is a link or three to some blogging of mine on How to Blog Effectively.


At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dear Stephen,

Was it not you who told me, on a cold and rainy winter day at SFU, some time during the now forgotten '80s, whilst we were both in the midst of our undergraduate strivings, that "critique" is a noun, and "Never verb your nouns!"?

I hope all's well.



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